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  • Writer's pictureAnca

Painting portraits

Painting portraits is fun. Especially in watercolour where less is more and you have little control over the end result. This is certainly a challenge for me. Letting go of control. This makes it ever more meaningful and peaceful when I succeed.

As I do not have a steady hand when drawing portraits, I leaned on technology for the line drawing (Adobe Firefly) And then I painted the rough sketches. And it is a magical process of transformation.

Here are my first attempts at painting in portraits.

Printing the same line sketch, I can make a completely different character come to life.

The funny thing is that I used the famous Romanian paint Colibri, that I had in school. It still costs a meager 3 euros per box and it can proudly stay next to the best pigmented brands.

And finally, another portrait .


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Aug 28

They look incredible! I love how different shades of colors can bring out details and depth to a painting.


These portraits look great!

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